Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pictures of My Blessings

Here are some updated pictures of the girls:

Morgan and Maddy on Christmas Eve

Morgan gets in bed to wait on Santa!

Maddy ready for Santa, but not as thrilled with going to bed.

Here is a picture of my 9 week ultrasound. I am 14 weeks now.

Friday, January 30, 2009

One Year and Three Months Later ...

I can't believe it has been over a year since I last updated. To say I have been busy is a huge understatement. I guess I just got bored with blogging after and while. Plus it was the first thing I cut out when my days became overfilled with the fun and frenzy two toddlers bring.

Maddy and Morgan are doing phenomenally. They are sweet, caring, silly, full of energy girls. Their personalities couldn't be any more different at this point.

Maddy is reserved and shy around others. But at home she lets it all out and is full of energy and movement. She is sometimes bossy and whiny and her favorite statement as of late is "It's Miiinnne" or "It's My Turn". She is the perfect little "mama" to her dolls and to Morgan, whom she still refers to as "baby". She is extremely attentive to her sister as long as Morgan doesn't have a cool toy or gadget in her hand. She is very loving and giving, although it is definately on her terms. She is studious and loves to learn. She has a wonderful attention span for a three year old.

Morgan is wild and outgoing, both in good ways. She is the life of a party and she loves everyone. She is extremely empathetic to how others around her feel and is very giving of herself and her things if it will make us or her sister happy. She is not demanding or whiny but is sneaky and stubborn. She loves to pretend. She loves dress up and playing house and playing with her barbies. She keeps me on my toes and needs lots of supervision as she often find herself being mischevious if left alone for long periods of time. The things she comes up with almost always take my breath away. I never know what she is going to say or do next.

The girls graduated out of therapy in July of last year and have been doing great. They are growing and changing all the time. Maddy weighs 31lbs now and Morgan is around 28lbs. They are beautiful little girls. Morgan was prescribed glasses in December and she is so cute in her Spongebob "Pensants", her pronunciation of "Princess", glasses. They are so adorable on her - that is when we can get her to keep them on. She also has two cavities we are having filled in February :(. These are some of the tiny remnants of their early arrival, but all in all I think we came away amazingly blessed.

Speaking of blessings... The girls are most excited right now about a new baby coming later this year. Yep, we're pregnant again. We weren't planning for this at all. We were surprised (surprised is an understatment really). But we are extremely excited about baby #3. We don't know the sex of the new baby yet but will probably first week of March.

Everyone polled is saying they think it is a boy, but I wonder if it isn't another girl. I really don't care as long as it is healthy! I just don't want another 1 lb. baby. It is such a hard road to go down. We do know that this pregnancy is just one baby. I have had three ultrasounds so far and we are confident that only one is there this time. My doctors are very optimistic that this will be a much easier and healthier pregnancy. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

So far my only problems this go round have been the anxiety and stress of "what if's" I do great for the first two weeks after my prenatal appt., then I stress out and worry over every little thing the two weeks before my next appt. It is like high highs when everything is all right and low lows when I feel a muscle pull or other strange sensation and start to worry until I hear all is well again. It is a battle of wills and I am trying really hard to be relaxed and optimistic too. I want to enjoy this pregnancy as it will surely be my last!

Well I hope someone out there still checks in on us every once in a while, although it has been so long that I sort of doubt anyone does. But part of writing this blog, or most of writing this blog was just for my own memories and "getting it out".