Friday, September 29, 2006

Still Here

I'm still here. It has just been a crazy week. Some days were really really up and some weren't so I haven't had much time to post. I did so good by posting twice in one day last Thursday and then I let my good writing streak just go to waste.

I don't really feel much writing tonight. I would be so happy that today is finally Friday but at the last stupid minute William's company deemed tomorrow ANOTHER MANDATORY SATURDAY!!!! I am so so sick of mandatory Saturday's. Anyway I am just a lot bummed out tonight. I've found myself feeling down a lot this week.

The other night I had the girls in the bathtub and they were having a marvelous time splashing and playing and laughing at each other and it was really cute but I just couldn't find any cheer in the moment. I mean I even realized looking at them that something was wrong with me because I couldn't be happy in that moment. I was sad and depressed. I missed William so bad in that moment that my stomach hurt. I think what is wrong with me is just I am sick and tired of William working six days a week. I am lonely and I miss our time together. I miss having someone to share the load with and I miss having someone to talk to. I think this might be the last Saturday they have to work for a while so maybe I will feel more upbeat next week.

I will try to post a real post tomorrow, maybe even with some cute pictures and all. We'll see :)


Tonya said...

Sorry you are feeling down Mandy *Hugs* I hope things are better next week.. and would love to see some cute piccies!!

Anonymous said...

I've been feeling blah about blogging today too. Sorry you're having a day (week?) like that.

Emmakirst said...

Sorry you are feeling down. I hope that William gets to have more time home with you and the girls soon. I feel low when my hubby is working a lot too. Take care.

What The Hell Is This? said...

Sorry sweetie. I would hate it too. I hope these Saturdays stop and you can have a great time with your hubby.. it will come.. HUGS sweetie..

Becci said...

big hugs!! I hope you get more time together really soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope this week is much better, I will be getting my schedule tomorrow (tuesday) I'll try to call and set up a time to get together (maybe scrapbook or somthing) or i can babysit n you can go out and relax while us girls play. I would love to see some pics*smiles* love ya and give the girls a kiss for me,