Monday, March 20, 2006

A Sore Subject

Why does teething have to be so painful? Painful for her and painful for me. Morgan is teething and she is the most irritable baby I have ever seen. She is practically inconsolable at times. This morning as soon as William went out the door she started screaming. Not just crying but screaming. Her face and ears turned red. She refused her bottle. She didn't want to be held or put down. She was just flailing around and wailing. I gave her some tylenol and put baby orajel on her gums (which she seems to hate). Usually this regime works but today nothing seems to be working. I finally rocked her to sleep and then put her in the middle of my bed. She slept for twenty minutes and then woke up. I went in and got her up and she was laughing and smiling. I gave her her bottle and as soon as the nipple touched her gums, she went balistic again. Wailing and thrashing. This time I just put her on a pallet on the floor and let her cry for a while. She finally calmed down enough to eat. That was a huge relief. I thought I was going to take her to the E.R. I have never had her cry like that before. I imagined myself taking her to the emergency room and the nurses just laughing at me for bringing my baby in for teething. I can't believe I have to go through this for every new tooth times two. I worry that if teething makes Morgan this irritable and angry how much worse will it be when mad Maddy hits this "magical milestone".

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