Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm In Trouble Now

It finally happened today. The long awaited event. It happened fast and before my very eyes. Maddy crawled! She got up on her knees, rocked back and forth a few times and crawled off her blankie onto the carpet. Granted it was only a couple of inches, maybe a foot, but I am still a proud mama! But... after she reached the edge of the carpet she flung herself over onto her back, rolled over a couple of times and stuck her hand in the VCR.

I wasn't expecting that to happen so fast. I guess I should've expected that crawling (what a big girl!) and getting into stuff went hand in hand. But, it took so long to get to this point, I guess I just figured we would crawl for a while and then get into stuff. For the longest, my babies were just blobs. I mean they would lay where I put them. They didn't pick stuff up. They just seemed to be developing at the slowest pace. I wasn't worried because I figured that that is how it goes for preemies, given that they started off so tiny. But now ... they are doing something NEW almost daily.

I guess it is time to get down on my hands and knees and pick up all the little stuff they weren't intersted in yesterday. Do other mom's vacuum on a daily basis? .. That stinks! I guess I need to go buy those plug things you put over your outlets. Which ones am I supposed to get Lindsey? My cousin Lindsey's son electrocuted himself (he's okay though) and they HAD babyproofed already! He's smart and figured out how to pry the covers off. I haven't even started babyproofing. I am crafty, meaning there are bound to be some tiny glass beads lurking at the edge of the rug or some other tiny piece of something that the girls will choke on if I'm not careful.

I am very happy though that my girls are maturing and that any day now Maddy will be crawling around following me room to room. I am very proud of how big and strong they are and how everyday they learn a new skill. They say a new sound or reach for a new toy.

Morgan is reaching for her bottle now and putting it to her lips. She doesn't quite have it yet but she is almost there. Maddy isn't worried about that yet. She is to busy trying to crawl. Both girls are at different stages. For a while I thought Morgan was way behind Maddy but now it seems to be evening up, but in different areas. Maddy is more physical and Morgan is more social/intellectual. Morgan talks more and reaches for things more. It's hard somedays not to compare them but I really try not to. I really try to take it one day at a time, enjoying each new thing they do. One day they will be all grown up and I will miss celebrating with them these tiny but GIANT accomplishments.

Thanks for visiting! I would love to hear from those of you who read my blog. I would love to know you're out there catching up on how my babies are growing and to know that you are celebrating with me. I've heard from some of you that "so and so reads your blog" and "I forwarded it to so and so". I would love to know which "so and so's" you all are. If you have a minute, drop me a comment and let me know what you think.
I REALLY appreciate your support, your love, and your time. It means a lot to me to know that my girls are surrounded and will grow up with so much love and so many people who truly care about them!


Anonymous said...

Maddy Moo Your Sissy Beth And Brother Are So Proud Of You We Love You Very Much.

preemiemum said...

Hi Mandy,

I found your blog from a comment you left on mine, just wanted to say hello, looking forward to getting to know you and your girls


Tonya said...

Hi there :) I'm new to your blog and wanted to say your girls are adorable and WTG on the crawling!!! Now you are really in trouble!! Better get ready to start Look forward to reading your updates :)