Well, lets just say that yesterday was a very interesting day! It was full of a lot of firsts for my kids, Maddy's first bubble bath, the girl's first Independence Day, first fireworks. I thought I would share some pictures from yesterday!
I started the day by giving Maddy a bubble bath with the Johnson and Johnson Vapor Bath. She has a runny nose and it is making her choke a lot. I thought the vapor bath might help open her up some and help clear out her head. She really had a good time in the water. She kept trying to eat the bubbles though!
About 5pm, we headed to the park to see the Fourth of July Fireworks Extravaganza. It was pretty hot outside but we were in a shady place that got a breeze here and there. We moved once, to get a better spot to see the fireworks, and we ended up in the perfect place to see them, they were right in front of us.
Aubree was SO excited about the fireworks show. It was hard to keep her still, she was just SO EXCITED! Can't you tell? :) "Woo hoo, fireworks!" that's what she kept hollering at the crowd!
Morgan was taking a more laid back approach. Here she is just chillin'; waitin' to see what all the fuss is about!
Once they started, all of us were so excited. I was stressing out before they started about how loud it was going to be, but really it turned out to be pretty mild. I held Morgan in my lap and covered her ears with my hands and she was just mesmerized by the colors in the sky. William did the same with Maddy; and Tim and Beth took care of their kids. It was a really cool display and they played music along with it that seemed to go along with the light show.
In the end, I would say we had a really nice time. We got home about 10pm and I gave the girls a second bath for the day to get the Bug Repellant off of them. They were worn out so they weren't too happy about the late night bath. Morgan slept in her crib and Maddy slept between me and William because she is so congested still. I wanted to keep her close in case I had to suction her nose in the middle of the night to help her breathe.
As for today, I am back to being all domestic. This morning I made pickles with some of the cucumbers William grew outside. I am now waiting on the Occupational Therapist to come out for the first time and I am worried about my house smelling like pickle juice. They look really good though and I can't wait to eat them. I will let you know how they taste.
I would say that overall this holiday weekend turned out to be a very American celebration! Time spent with family and friends. Fireworks and food and a little country canning thrown in for good measure! Hope eveyone else out there had a nice holiday.
Happy 4th!!! I'm glad you had a great day!!!
I love homemade pickles! I already have Sarah eating pickles - she loves them :)
That bubble bath picture is so cute! I'm glad your 4th went well and that the girls enjoyed the fireworks.
Will you tell us tomorrow how the appointment with the OT went? I hope you only found out good things.
The pictures are great :) Love the layed back look!! That is adorable.. Glad you had a good holiday and had fun!! Again I wish we could have been there :)
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