Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Madelynn Grace - Then and Now

On Tonya's blog she asked everyone to do a Then and Now Post. Here is mine:

Maddy was 2 weeks old in this picture. She had just had surgery on her intestines and had a colostomy bag. She weighed 1lb. 8oz. at this time.

This was the first time I ever held her in my arms.
She was almost a month old in this picture.



Tonya said...

Still I love the pictures and you and Maddy are beautiful..It's weird that even though you dont know someone personally how attached to them you can be.. I love your girls!xoxo

Maggie (Sarah's mom) said...

How sweet!!! It's amazing to look how much she's grown.

Hechung said...

The then and now pictures of both of them are so wonderful!

SXYMMA said...

I love the comparison pictures!! It's always so encouraging to see micropreemies grow into big strong little people :)

Emmakirst said...

Beautiful girls. What a difference!

Anonymous said...

I didnt think I'd ever seen a miracle untill I met your girls, they amaze me and I love each one bunches, tickle maddie for me
see ya later

Becci said...

wow. and to think my baby is 1 lb 8 oz right now as far as they can guess from measurements. that is so tiny and look at them now!!!

It's Kimpossible! said...

They have come so far. How very proud you and William must be! Your little gems are gorgeous. I love reading about them and all of their new antics. Keep 'em coming!