Thursday, May 25, 2006

Please No More DRAMA!

Okay so if you know me, you probably already know what a dork I am! Wanna hear about the latest dumb thing I've done?

It has just been one of those weeks and I honestly think God has a good sense of humor when it comes to my life.

I'm sure you haven't forgotten the LONG drawn out story of how I couldn't get the new pool put up and how I spent the ENTIRE day trying to get it up on Tuesday right? Well scroll down if you need a refresher or to to see a picture our lovely oasis.

Well, yesterday Beth came over because her mom had a doctor's appointment and didn't want to leave Beth alone way out in the boondocks where she lives with Adam running around. Beth is supposed to be on bed rest as she is now 33 weeks pregnant and having some trouble. So anyway, Tim (William's son, Beth's husband) was at work and her mom, who lives with her, had a dr's appointment, so she brought Beth and Adam to my house. For a while we just played in the floor, me and three babies and Beth lounged on the couch. Then we decided it might be relaxing for all of us to get into the new pool and cool off.

First I stripped Maddy down, changed her into a swim diaper, lathered her up with sunscreen, put her suit on her and placed her to the side. Then I repeated these same steps with Adam and then again with Morgan. Then I changed into my suit and some swim shorts, grabbed a bunch of towels, my phone, and some water toys. I took Beth and Adam out first and helped them into the pool. Then I went back inside and got Maddy and Morgan. Beth brought her DVD video camera over and wanted me to take some video of the fun. I turned some switches and thought I had the camera on and started recording. I recorded for a while before I realized I hadn't really turned the camera on. By this point Maddy was trying to eat the grass and Morgan who I had layed on the ground was starting to fuss. So I turned the camera on for real, took about 15 seconds worth of video and put it down. Grabbed my kids and climbed into the pool. It was really nice. I bought this cute little float and I put Maddy in it. She liked being able to put her feet on the bottom of the pool and get around. It acted as a walker type of contraption. I held on to Morgan. At some point Beth took Morgan and Maddy was floating beside her. So as we sat there talking and having a nice relaxing time watching the kids play in the water, I felt something against my leg. I thought it was just another water toy floating by but when I reached down to grab it I realized it was in my pocket. "OHHHHHH NOOOOO!" I said. "OOOOHHHHH NOOOO" I cried out. By this point Beth was freaking out thinking somebody was coming up behind her with an ax. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my cell phone. I held it up to show her. In the display part there was a line of water sloshing around.

Now this bright idea to get the girls a pool to play in for the summer has turned my life upside down. I NEED my phone. I mean we have a phone line in the house but I mainly use it for our dial up internet. I can't leave the computer on and the internet up all day like I usually do without having my cell phone available. No one calls our home number, I don't even think people know that number. Well if you need to get ahold of me in the next couple of days, you will have to call my home number or leave me a message on my old phone and let me call you back.

I am hoping to have a new phone by tomorrow or Saturday. So just email me if you need the number to use in the meantime.

I am so crazy. I am starting to think this swimming pool idea was not the brightest one I've ever had. I was smart in school. I made good grades, but ever since I had the girls I can't concentrate anymore and I make silly mistakes here and there all the time. I joke that they must have removed half of my brain with my C-Section. I hope I get it all figured out sooner rather than later.


Tonya said...

First of all it sounds like you had a great day in the pool.. Okay okay.. you didnt have the video camera really on when you thought you did and you swam with your cellphone but geez the girls had a good ;)

Aww your not the only one that does these things Mandy.. I do them all the time.. If I didn't have dave to watch out for me I dont know what I would do..I would leave my head if it wasn't attached.. lol

Kathy said...

I'm sorry to laugh at your troubles, but the more problems you have and the more unlikely they are, the less I can keep myself from laughing. Just remember I'm laughing WITH you...because you will laugh, even if it's years from now.

I hope you can get a new cell soon and that nothing happens to your land line in the meantime. And yes, I too have done many silly, thoughtless things since having a kid. I'm hoping there's some biological reason we all start losing our minds when we have kids. I'm all for blaming anything but myself.

Becci said...

LOL that's actually pretty funny. David's dad dropped his Pocket PC un the toilet once and had to get a new one:)