Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Morgan Gabrielle - Then and Now

Morgan was 2 weeks old in this picture and weighed 1lb. 9oz.
She also had just had surgery on her intestines and had a colostomy bag.

The first time I ever held Morgan she was 5 weeks old.
Look at how tiny she is here. She was so light that I remember that it felt
like I was mostly holding blankets.


Tonya said...

Okay I am actually crying here.. I'm so glad you posted this although it hits such an emotional nerve in me.. The struggle that our little ones have been through.. Morgan is so beautiful!! I wish I were there to give her giant hugs.. virtual ones will have to do ***huggles Morgan***

Maggie (Sarah's mom) said...

What a cutie!!!!

Anonymous said...

awww!! she's sooo cute in that red dress, grown up to be even sweeter then before if thats possible. give her a hug for me
god bless

Jill & Terry said...

First time I have seen your blog, what a beautiful family.....going to read more.